
  • E. Vintiadis (2020) Animals and Us (Τα Ζώα και Εμείς, in Greek) epbooks/εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος.

Edited Collections


Special Issues (Guest Editor)


Papers/ Chapters in Edited Collections

  • E. Vintiadis (2025Neoliberal values and the workplace: a way forward through capabilities and careLas Torres de Lucca, International Journal of Political Philosophy,14(1): 99-110. 
  • E. Vintiadis (2024) From philosophy to science and back: Dennett and the relation of science to philosophyPhilosophical Psychology: 1-19.
  • E. Vintiadis (2024) Delusional Beliefs and Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 5.
  • The Brussels Collaboration on Bodily Integrity (2024) Genital Modifications in Prepubescent Minors: When May Clinicians Ethically Proceed? American Journal of Bioethics.
  • E. Vintiadis (2024) Mental Disorders as Processes: A More Suited Metaphysics for Psychiatry. Philosophical Psychology,37 (2): 487-504. DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2022.2101443
  • E. Vintiadis & L. Bortolotti (2022) The Role of Context in Belief Evaluation: Costs and Benefits of Irrational Beliefs in The Cognitive Science of Belief: A Multidisciplinary Approach, in Musolino, Hemmer and Sommer (Eds.), Cambridge University Press. (Invited Contribution)
  • E. Vintiadis (2021) The Force of Presentation: Policing Modes of Expression and Gatekeeping the Status Quo. Human Affairs, 31 (4): 479-487.
  • E. Vintiadis (2020) What Philosophy is and What it Could Be in Philosophy by Women, Routledge. 
  • E. Vintiadis (2020) Introduction: Philosophy by Women: 22 Philosophers reflect on Philosophy and Its Importance in Philosophy By Women, Routledge.
  • E. Vintiadis (2019) Property Dualism in Introduction to Philosophy of Mind, ed. by Heather Salazar, in the series Introduction to Philosophy, ed. Christina Hendricks, Rebus Foundation Publishing, Quebec, Canada.
  • E. Vintiadis (2018) Introduction: Brute Facts in Brute Facts, eds. Elly Vintiadis and Constantinos Mekios, Oxford University Press.
  • E. Vintiadis (2018) There is Nothing (Really) Wrong with Emergent Brute Facts in Brute Factseds. Elly Vintiadis and Constantinos Mekios, Oxford University Press. 
  • E. Vintiadis (2016) The Importance of Pluralism in Psychiatry (in English) in Βιοηθικοί Προβληματισμοί ΙΙ Maria Kanellopoulou-Botti and Fereniki Panagopoulou (eds). Athens: Papazisis.
  • E. Vintiadis (2015) A Frame of Mind from Psychiatry. Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy 18 (4): 523-532. DOI 10.1007/s11019- 014-9607-4. 
  • E. Vintiadis (2013) Why a Naturalist Should Be an Emergentist About the Mind SATS: Northern European Journal of Philosophy 14 (1): 38-62.
  • E. Vintiadis (2006) Why Certainty is not a Mansion. Journal of Philosophical Research 31: 143-152. 


Encyclopedia Articles

  • E. Vintiadis (2013) Emergence. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Book Reviews

  • E. Vintiadis (2022) The Wartime Quartet: Double Review of The Women Are Up To Something (Benjamin Lipscomb, OUP 2022) & Metaphysical Animals (Clare Mac Cumhaill and Rachael Wiseman, Chatto & Windus 2022)The Philosopher, 110 (1): 116-122. (Invited Contribution)
  • E. Vintiadis (2019) Thomas L. Hafemeister, Criminal Trials and Mental Disorders. Metapsychology Online Reviews.
  • E. Vintiadis (2015) Andrew Steane, Faithful to Science: The Role of Science in Religion. Science, Religion & Culture 2 (4): 108- 111. 
  • E. Vintiadis (2014) Beyond an Absence of Faith, edited by Jonathan M.S.Pearce and Tristan Vick. Science, Religion & Culture 1 (2): 122-125. 
  • E. Vintiadis (2012) Emergence in Mind, Cynthia Macdonald and Graham Macdonald, eds. Philosophy 87: 603- 610.