- Philosophy Instructor, Deree – The American College of Greece
- Philosophy Instructor, Hellenic Naval Staff and Command College (Σχολή Διοίκησης και Επιτελών Πολεμικού Ναυτικού)
- Adjunct Lecturer in Philosophy, City College of New York
- City University of New York Graduate Center (PhD) Supervisor: Paul Horwich
- City University of New York Graduate Center (MPhil)
- City University of New York Graduate Center (MA)
- The American College of Greece (BA)
Courses Taught
- Philosophy of Psychiatry: upper senior level course focusing on the conceptual and philosophical problems at the heart of psychiatric practice and research including the ontological status of mental illness, philosophical issues in diagnosis, the role of culture in psychiatry, the status of psychiatry as a scientific discipline and the ethical and social implications of clinical categories.
- Philosophy of Mind: upper senior course (sometimes directed study) focusing on mental/psychological functions and the nature of the mind and the self in view of recent scientific advances in psychology, neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence.
- Critical Thinking: an introduction to symbolic and informal logic with an emphasis on essential principles of reasoning.
- Academic Writing and Ethics: I teach the ethics component in this freshman-level interdisciplinary course introducing students to ethical theories through an applied ethics theme. Themes taught: Animal ethics · Environmental ethics · Free speech & Political correctness · Fast fashion · Abortion · Breaking the rules.
- Mind and World: introduction to the philosophy of mind focusing on the relation of our mental/psychological states to the physical world. Course topics: theories of mind, personal identity, consciousness, mental causation, psychophysical reduction.
- Introduction in Epistemology: advanced level course focusing on the main questions in the history of epistemology.
- Theory of Scientific Analysis: sometimes historical, sometimes thematic advanced survey course on questions in the philosophy of science.
- The Rational Animal: advanced level Honors course focusing on rationality and spanning issues in epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, mind, logic, and the rational justification of social and political structures.
Recent Conferences & Invited Talks
- ‘Does psychedelic assisted therapy foist delusional beliefs on its subjects?’ 8th Panhellenic Conference on Philosophy of Science, University of Athens. (December 2024)
- ‘My species and other animals: animals, empathy and the way forward.’ Keynote speaker, 5th International Conference on Semiotics of Culture and Visual Communication, Cyprus University of Technology Cyprus (June 2024).
- ‘Up Girl: Masculinity, Gender and Reframing Opportunity Beyond Neoliberalism.’ Opportunity After Neoliberalism, Brookings Institution (February 2023).
- ‘Mental Disorders as Processes.’ Inaugural lecture. Contemporary Philosophy by Female Scholars. SOAS, University of London (August 2022).
- ‘Mental Disorders as Processes.’ Philosophy Society Visiting Speakers Series, University of Birmingham (February 2022).
- ‘Metaphysical Animals: A Conversation with Claire Mac Cumhaill and Rachael Wiseman.’ The Philosopher (January 2022).
- ‘Women and the Work of Philosophy.’ RV University, India (September 2021).
- ‘The Contexts of Epistemic Innocence.’ Book launch of Lisa Bortolotti’s The Epistemic Innocence of Irrational Beliefs, University of Birmingham (May 2020).
Professional Service
Journal referee
Annals of Philosophy · Australasian Journal of Philosophy· Journal of Analytic Philosophy of Science · Human Affairs · Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy · Phenomenology and Mind · Philosophical Psychology · Ratio · Studies in History and Philosophy of Biomedical and Biological Sciences · Synthese · Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science · Philosophy and the Mind Sciences
Book manuscript reviewer
Independent reviewer for research grant proposals
- Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ)
- The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, the Dutch Research Council) Routlege
Editorial positions
- Associate Editor, Philosophical Psychology (2025-2028)
- Editorial Board, Philosophical Psychology (2022-2024)
Leadership Initiatives
Demographics in Philosophy Project (https://women-in-philosophy.org/)
Co-director with: Eric Schwitzgebel (University of California, Riverside) and Björn Freter (Gettysburg College and SOAS, University of London)
Professional Memberships
- American Philosophical Association
- American Psychological Association
- British Wittgenstein Society
In between the lines
In 1996 I lived in Amherst, Massachusetts and it was fantastic. After I got my PhD I took a long break from academia to pursue other interests – a break I thought would be permanent but then turned out not to be. In 2005 I worked for Marchesato degli Aleramici Brunello producers in Montalcino (Italy) and during 2006-2007 I was joint Coordinator of the 7th International Environmental Symposium of the Patriarch of Constantinople in Greenland. After that I took (quite) some time off and traveled on the trans-Siberian and trans-Mongolian railways to Russia, Mongolia and China. Then, in 2012, our son was born and he has kept me pretty busy since.